Tag Archives: Vandy

2012 Sherman Ave Readers’ Poll: Results

1 Jan

If there’s one thing Sherman Ave prides itself on, it’s follow through. That, and our stunning mastery of the entire AP U.S. History Flashcard set. So, in the hopes of amping you up to take the 2013 Sherman Ave Readers’ Poll, here are the results of last year’s 2012 Sherman Ave Readers’ Poll. Enjoy the blast from the heinous past.

Most Heinous Event of 2012

With 18% of the vote, the winner was: Evanston revoking the Keg’s liquor license. The Keg may not have survived the wrath of Tizzy, but it did manage to eke out a one-vote victory over the advent of #YOLO, followed closely by the I Agree With Markwell campaign and the notorious Vandy seal clubbing scandal. Rest in peace, old friend. We swear to hold you forever in our memory by linking to this every goddamn opportunity we get.

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The Six Athletes NU Students Hate Most

30 Dec

Number 6: Dan Persa’s Achilles

Despite giving us a truly wonderful twitter account to occasionally chuckle at, Dan Persa’s Achilles was public enemy number one for much of last year’s football season. It seemed completely determined to rob a defeated fanbase of happiness/the best player any of us had ever seen, and catching a glimpse of Persa walking around campus in a boot was reason enough to ruin any student’s day before fainting because holy shit you just saw Dan Persa.

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Vanderbilt Maintains Controversial “Baby Seal Clubbing” Program

6 Sep

NASHVILLE — In the face of a turbulent controversy that is enveloping the school, Vanderbilt University has affirmed its commitment to the football program’s divisive “Baby Seal Clubbing” program.

A baby seal struggles in vain to escape from Jordan Matthews.

“Brutally pummeling adorable marine mammals is a proud tradition of our University’s vaunted football heritage,” read University Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos from a prepared statement, delivered at the steps of Kirkland Hall littered with bruised and beaten pinnipeds. “The physical and psychological abuse of these darling baby seals has been, and forever will be, an essential tenet at the core of what Vandy football is all about.”

Chancellor Zeppos’ comments arrived a day after a massive popular uprising against the program’s senseless and cruel beatings brought national attention to the Vanderbilt Commodore’s systematic perpetuation of violence against defenseless seal pups.

Vandy’s heinous acts have been condemned by a growing grassroots movement, coupled with support from celebrities like Michael Vick, the Dalai Lama, and Seal. The Democratic National Convention even kicked things off Thursday with a 5-minute montage of Senator Ted Kennedy’s speeches denouncing the practice of baby seal clubbing.

Although Vanderbilt head football coach James Franklin admitted, “Our football program has repeatedly abused scores of heartbreakingly cute baby seals to achieve excruciatingly limited success throughout our storied 124-381 all-time record in conference play,” the coach also cited scientific research concluding that, “If it’s a legitimate clubbing, the baby seal body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

The coach then promptly dropped a 500-pound golden anchor on a still-writhing seal pup, jubilantly shouting “Anchor Down, motherfuckers!” as he walked away.

Coach Franklin celebrating Club a Baby Seal Day

Executive Committee Chair of the NCAA, Ed Ray, opened his investigation into the matter this morning. “Personally, I am horrified by the actions of the Vanderbilt University Football Program and its reckless and callous disregard of these freaking delightful baby seals. It has become obvious that the leadership failures at Vanderbilt over an extended period of time directly violated NCAA bylaws relating to integrity, ethical conduct, and the clubbing of baby seals,” said Mr. Ray.

“After considering all possible measures to address Vanderbilt’s reprehensible baby seal clubbing and ensure that the University rebuilds an athletic culture that went horribly awry,” continued Ray, “We finally realized that there was no possible means with which we could punish Commodore football in a way that would make them suck any more than they do now. Watching them get mercilessly rolled by Northwestern this Saturday seemed fitting enough.”

Reactions on Vanderbilt’s campus have been muted so far, although to be fair it’s hard to hear anything on campus beyond Toby Keith and self-delusion.

CLICK HERE to sign the petition to end the Vanderbilt University Football Program’s clubbing of baby seals.


5 Sep

Dear Vandy,

Get fucked.

Seriously. We mean it. From the 20 of us hanging around Evanston and the scores more waiting at home in Westchester for school to start, Wildcat nation would like to invite you to get fucked come this Saturday night.

Wipe that smile off your face and pay attention. We’re not talking about “getting fucked up,” so you can leave your Miller Chill and Croakies back with your Brad Paisley in that just-southern-enough-to-make-you-feel-uncomfortable city you call home.

No. Vandy, you’re going to get fucked so bad the University will have to change its nickname from the Commodores to the Rear Admirals.

When the lights come on at Ryan Field this weekend, prepare to get smoked by the Wildcats like it’s the U.S. News and World Report college rankings.


Don’t say we didn’t warn you when the Northwestern Stripes Wildcats roll through your defenses like General Sherman. I mean, let’s be honest here: Colter and Siemian are the most dangerous one-two combination the City of Nashville has faced since Major General George H. Thomas and Major General John Schofield kicked your ass in 1864.

Sure, Jordan Rodgers hooks up with Jordan Matthews more often than your frat brothers score with biddies in stupidly oversized hats. And yes, our defense has been known to Dukakis away a lead or two in the past. But at least our coach isn’t the biggest chauvinistic prick your school has produced since Jay Cutler, an impressive feat coming from a school like Vanderbilt.

When did being the doormat of the entire SEC allow for you to eschew all reason and presume you would not get entirely fucked this Saturday? If the robber baron founder of Vanderbilt University could conceivably win a douche-off against Northwestern’s genocide-apologist forebearer, is that really a good thing?

#GetFuckedVandy isn’t just a hashtag. It’s a promise. Venric Mark will annihilate you. Chi Chi Ariguzo will strangle you. Pat Fitzgerald will outman you and Kyle Prater will dickslap Al Gore just for good measure.

Get fucked Vandy.

Evander Jones

LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE to sign our petition to stop the Vanderbilt University Football Team’s brutal clubbing of baby seals.